Certified Generator Maintenance Contracts in Tyler & East Texas

Never Get Left In The Dark

A power outage is the worst time to find out your generator isn’t working.

If you wait until then to service your generator, it will be too late. You’ll end up waiting in the back of the line for the generator company to fix your equipment. It could take days. Even weeks.

By the time the generator service technicians finally schedule an appointment, your groceries will spoil. Your patience will deplete. And the power company will have already restored power to the neighborhood.

Generator maintenance contracts help prevent serious problems from occurring. They keep your equipment tuned up and ready for any outage at any time.

BNK Services offers preventative generator maintenance services for Generac, Cummins, and Briggs & Stratton brands.

Our annual and semi-annual tune-ups will give you peace of mind, so you’re never left in the dark.

Get A Generator Service Contract

Benefits of Generator Planned Maintenance in Tyler, TX

Protect Your Warranty

Every generator comes with a manufacturer-required maintenance schedule. Failure to follow the specified maintenance schedule will invalidate your warranty, leaving you responsible for covering expensive repairs.

Relax In Every Storm

During a storm, many homeowners worry whether their generator will work if the power goes out. Our maintenance contracts give you confidence that your unit has been recently inspected and is working as it should.

Prevent Expensive Repairs

If you think a generator maintenance contract is expensive, just wait until you have to pay to fix your unit. A $275/year maintenance contract is much more affordable than replacing or replacing your equipment.


10% Off Generator Repairs

When you subscribe to one of our generator preventative maintenance plans, you’ll get 10% off any needed repairs. Your savings could more than pay for this year’s annual maintenance.

Skip The Line

All our maintenance contract customers get priority service at BNK. You get to skip to the front of the line and get your generator problem resolved quickly. No questions asked.

Add Years To Your Unit

Take care of your unit, and it will take care of you. Regular tune-ups will often add years to the life of your unit, ensuring you get more out of it without continuous repairs or replacements.

Our 15-Point Backup Generator Maintenance Checklist

As a certified generator maintenance company in Tyler, TX, we have the experience and credentials to protect your generator and provide reliable home generator maintenance throughout East Texas.

Here’s our generator tune-up checklist:

Brands We Service

Cummins Generator Service

As a Cummins generator dealer, we’re authorized to provide warranty service, preventative maintenance, and reliable installation. Ask us about Cummins maintenance and Cummins generator service.

Generac Generator Service

Our Generac generator maintenance agreements are affordable, can safeguard your unit, and protect your warranty. If you need Generac service, you’ve got a trustworthy Generac-approved company here to help.

Briggs & Stratton Generator Service

If you’re looking for a certified Briggs & Stratton generator technician, you’ve found one. We can protect your unit and keep your warranty valid with a dependable annual maintenance agreement. Give us a call to learn more.

Onan Generator Service

If you own an older Onan unit, you’re in safe hands with BNK Services. Onan was acquired by Cummins many years ago. Because we are certified Cummins technicians, we are also authorized to provide ongoing service to your unit.